Roadmap & Accomplishments #

Improvements #

Accomplished milestones #

Initial setup (until 2020-08-31) #

Alpha testing (2020-09-01 – 2020-11-31) #

Goal: We will implement essential features that we missed previously. We will address feature requests that are straightforward to implement. More complex feature requests will be saved for later. At the end of this phase, we will have a rudimentary HPC environment that will allow advanced users to run scientific jobs.

Expectation: All (login, development, and compute) nodes may be rebooted at any time in order to be updated. We will however try our best to avoid sudden reboots without notifications.

Beta testing (2020-12-01 – 2021-01-11) #

Goal: At the end of this phase, we will have a solid HPC environment that will allow the majority of users to run scientific jobs on C4 that they previously ran on TIPCC. We are confident that we can go forward with inviting all TIPCC users.

Expectation: Avoid running multi-day jobs on the scheduler because compute nodes may need to be taken offline and rebooted as soon as possible, even if it requires terminating running jobs. Login, data-transfer, and development nodes will be rebooted after asking all users to logged out.

Going-Live Phase (2021-01-11 – 2021-10-31) #

Period: Starting 2021-01-11

Prerequisites: We know everything works fine - no going back

Who: All TIPCC users are welcome to start using C4

Expectation: The cluster can be considered fairly stable. However, there might be needs for further updates requiring reboots and early-termination of jobs. Avoid running jobs longer than 3-4 days.

Shutting down TIPCC (2021-11-01) #

Period: During Spring to Fall 2021.

Goal Bring down any dependencies on TIPCC to a minimum to the point where we can shutdown TIPCC forever.

Expectation TIPCC is kept on life support only! TIPCC might crash at any time!

Continued improvements to C4 #

See also News.