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Using Local /scratch (TMPDIR) on Compute Nodes #

All nodes (compute and development) have their own locally storage mounted as /scratch. The /scratch storage is fast - faster than system-wide storage such as home folders but also /c4/scratch - which make it ideal for holding intermediate data files. This will also lower the load on the system-wide storage and the local network. Using local /scratch is a win-win for everyone.

Instructions #

Here is how to use /scratch:

Example #

Here is a script called ex-scratch.sh that requests 300 GiB of local /scratch space and 4 cores. The script also shows how to copy input files over from the home (= ~/) folder to the local scratch folder (TMPDIR) of whatever node the job ends up running on. After processing of the input files is complete, the output files are moved from the local scratch (TMPDIR) to HOME.

#!/bin/env bash
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=4
#SBATCH --gres=scratch:300G

## 0. In case TMPDIR is not set, e.g. on development nodes, set
##    it to local /scratch, if it exists, otherwise to /tmp
if [[ -z "$TMPDIR" ]]; then
  if [[ -d /scratch ]]; then TMPDIR=/scratch/$USER; else TMPDIR=/tmp/$USER; fi
  mkdir -p "$TMPDIR"
  export TMPDIR

## 1. Use a temporary working directory
cd "$TMPDIR"

## 2. Copy input files from global disk to local scratch
cp ~/sample.fq .
cp ~/reference.fa .

## 3. Process input files
/path/to/my_pipeline --cores=${SLURM_NTASKS:-1} reference.fa sample.fq > output.bam

## 4. Move output files back to global disk
mv output.bam ~