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Job Email Notifications #

Instead of polling squeue to check whether submitted jobs are queued, running, or finished, one can tell the job scheduler to send email notifications as jobs change state. This is done by specifying sbatch option --mail-type=<type>, where <type> specifies under what circumstances an email message should be sent. The commonly used types of state changes are:

For further details and additional state-change types, see man sbatch. The notifications are sent to the email addresses as given in your personal ~/.forward file. Here is an example that sends an email when the job begins, ends, or fails:

$ sbatch --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL --wrap='echo "Current timestamp: $(date)"'

See below for example of what these email notifications may look like. To send an email only when the job completed, successfully or not, use --mail-type=END,FAIL instead.

The email notifications will be sent to the email address that is listed in your personal ~/.forward file. For example, Slurm notifications for user alice are sent to:

[alice@c4-log1 ~]$ cat ~/.forward
# Email address per LDAP record added on 2021-01-09

It is possible to override this by Slurm option --mail-user="first.last@ucsf.edu".

Example messages #

The subject of an email message sent when a job starts (--mail-type includes BEGIN), will look like:

Slurm Job_id=1006 Name=serial_job_test Began, Queued time 00:00:01

and the one sent when a job ends successfully (--mail-type includes END), will look like:

Slurm Job_id=1006 Name=serial_job_test Ended, Run time 00:01:12, COMPLETED, ExitCode 0

The message sent when a job abends (--mail-type includes FAIL) will look like:

Slurm Job_id=1007 Name=memorywaster.bash Failed, Run time 00:01:01, OUT_OF_MEMORY